The average house price on WELLWOOD CLOSE is £234,239
The most expensive house in the street is 14 WELLWOOD CLOSE with an estimated value of £264,840
The cheapest house in the street is 16 WELLWOOD CLOSE with an estimated value of £181,525
The house which was most recently sold was 14 WELLWOOD CLOSE, this sold on 29 Jun 2012 for £155,000
The postcode for WELLWOOD CLOSE is SY3 5BP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
2 WELLWOOD CLOSE Terraced £241,510 £57,000 10 Sep 1999
4 WELLWOOD CLOSE Terraced £237,273 £56,000 9 Sep 1999
6 WELLWOOD CLOSE Terraced £237,273 £56,000 9 Sep 1999
8 WELLWOOD CLOSE Terraced £245,424 £58,750 8 Oct 1999
10 WELLWOOD CLOSE Terraced £233,036 £55,000 15 Sep 1999
12 WELLWOOD CLOSE Terraced £233,036 £55,000 15 Sep 1999
14 WELLWOOD CLOSE Semi-Detached £264,840 £155,000 29 Jun 2012
16 WELLWOOD CLOSE Terraced £181,525 £45,248 18 Jan 2000